Government Services & Hostile Regions

Supporting development where it’s needed:

In the world we live in today, Governments pursuing international policies, Militaries operating independently or within a multinational force such as NATO providing humanitarian or security support, businesses such as international energy groups, and NGO’s all operate in conflict zones and countries that are continuously in a state of civil unrest or can erupt at any given time. Media investigators and news teams travel through and operate in remote, hazardous and sometimes hostile environments.

Operating in these environments provides the opportunity for safety issues and difficult or hazardous situations to arise, regularly placing your personnel in problematic countries or hazardous regions can sometimes escalate to life threatening situations.

Through our experience in conflict zones and countries that are continuously in a state of civil unrest SSDS knows that support services are required and in most cases a full operational plan and logistical support is necessary for any security force, energy group, international business or organization to operate efficiently.

SSDS has established this section on our website especially for Governments and international businesses operating in conflict or post conflict zones and countries that are continuously in a state of civil unrest. This section highlights a selection of logistical support services, response, recovery and training SSDS can provide you and is required to safeguard your personnel, facilities and assets.

In today’s challenging environments SSDS consultants provide this selection of specifically chosen services from experience gained from being operational with different cultures, integrating and building friendly alliances gaining a unique insight on the way different cultures operate. Thus providing invaluable knowledge resulting in SSDS consultant’s ability to support your business and if requested design specific to your business and location safety and security solutions that will protect and sustain your businesses, operations, personnel, assets and profitability regardless of the region or country you are operating in.