Evacuation Services

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Evacuation planning is an essential area in Crisis management and is required by all Government and commercial entities operating in challenging, remote and dangerous environments. Many areas around the world today are in a state of civil unrest or involved in some form of conflict. In recent months evacuation planning has been utilized extensively to evacuate people court up in ongoing conflicts, injured persons and commercial workers have been evacuated from troubled areas and the media require evacuation plans set in place in the event of an emergency situation when reporting.

SSDS provides Government and commercial entities operating in challenging, remote or hostile environments with an evacuation service that is divided into two categories: Medical and Security Risk Evacuation.

Medical Evacuation

It is of vital importance to you and your staff that effective medical emergency procedures have been established and implemented. The risk of illness or even a serious medical incident can become a far greater threat when operating in challenging and remote countries with limited resources, whatever the medical emergency it can very quickly become life threatening if the right planning is not in place or medical support is not available or received.

SSDS can minimize any medical risk by deploying a consultant with extensive medical qualifications that will visit your location and implement a comprehensive emergency and medical evacuation plan relating to the country and region you are operating in that will:

Provide 24 hour assistance to you and your staff by establishing a medical evacuation plan in the country you are operating in or visiting.

Locate the nearest European standard medical facilities civilian and military and implement a medical plan that will provide the support and treatment you require in the event of an emergency.

Provide basic medical training to your staff who require training and advanced medical training to members of your staff or team that are already competent in first aid and wish to expand their knowledge.

Designate safe routes to the medical facilities and locate local airports and aviation capabilities for evacuation purposes in the event of extreme and life threatening emergencies.

Security Risk Evacuation

It goes without saying that operating in today’s world commercially or governmentally on a global scale comes with many difficulties, in fact any global company with business or operations in challenging or difficult environments need to be aware of the risks involved. The safety of your personnel is of paramount importance so taking every precaution to ensure a safe working practice in potentially volatile areas of the World, is something we pay particular attention to.

The implications of operating or conducting business in a remote, challenging or hostile country without implementing efficient evacuation and emergency plans can cause many problems or have serious or sometimes fatal consequences. It is extremely important that designed evacuation plans are established and implemented relating to your business or operation, the location of your business or operation, and the number of persons operating in country.

Options available to you:

A full and detailed assessment and evaluation of your facilities and evacuation plans if any with recommendations.

A full evaluation of existing evacuation plans and procedures with recommendations.

A complete design and implementation of evacuation plans based on our assessments and your requirements by SSDS consultants.

SSDS can provide a security consultant to design in unison with your security provider regarding your requirements evacuation plans and procedures and assist in implementation.

SSDS can provide a security consultant with exceptional experience in remote, challenging and problematic areas of the world to be located at your business facilities or operational compound on permanent bases, providing security awareness and training to your staff and be fully equipped and ready for any threatening situations that requires full extraction out of the country.

Medical & Security Evacuation Services